My sweet Lielah passed away in her sleep. This was so unexpected and caught me off guard. She and I had our normal pre-bedtime routine. When she got her last treat she asked to get down from my lap and with treat in mouth, scurried off under my bed to snuggle into the big blanket that was there for her and Tauvi. In the morning she did not come for soup when called so I set to looking for her. I found her.....on top of the blanket. She was still sleeping. Posed in one of those so often seen positions, lying on her back, head slighting curled to the side, one paw to her chest and the other reaching upward. Her sleep was an eternal sleep. Her little body was cold.
Somehow I think I expected her to go on forever. I'm not sure why. She was the picture of health outside, inside she was adrenal and on Lupron. Maybe I expected her to be here forever because I loved her so. She was my special one.......she was my sweet angel. There was never a bad or mean streak in her. She was just pure love and sweetness from day one. Maybe I thought she would be here forever because she was always so full of life.....and maybe....I thought...she would live forever, because I wanted her to.
I love all my furkids. Each for their very special and individual personality and each, for the silliness they bring into my life. Somehow...when Lielah was stealing a part of my heart, she managed to take a double serving. She was good at that. Her sweet face could always beg and extra soft treat....an extra N-bone.....and extra kiss .....and extra skritch. She was a pro. She could always play it just right.....lying on her back, looking up at you with front paws crossed........ climbing up to give a kiss on the cheek or the softest, and I mean softest touch of her paw on your foot or ankle. It never failed to work.
She will be missed and life around the house will never be the same....... but then it never is when one leaves.......maybe a tad more so with her.
Fly high and dance forever. I will one day meet you again to take you home to our Father above.
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