Monday, May 5, 2008

Cassie the not so Cassinator

Cassie was brought home last November. She had her moments of "niceness" but wouldn't hesitate to rip your arm off if it was what she desired to do. I knew we had a long road ahead of us. Well she has made so much progress in the last 6 months. We stopped the attacks. We down graded to biting the wrist and making humans only say ouch with the occasional curse word. Now....... she only bites the wrist on occasion....a reminder she is still pissed about something and isn't ready to fully trust the human race. We can now play with her and are trying to teach her to have a soft play bite. Another big step made today was getting her to play with another ferret.....nicely...... Up until now we have kept her separate because she would attack other ferrets as well. She wanted nothing to do with them. Recently she has been showing an interest in the others....... sniffing through the gates, or poking her nose into the younger groups cage. I decided to see what would happen. I took Parker out of his cage. He is the big lug, the gentle giant and the clown. I sat on the floor with Cassie. I let them sniff noses.... she jerked back and stiffened a little but eventually relaxed and took another sniff. She sat and watched him. Eventually she wiggled to get down. I let her slip out of my hands , onto my lap and to the floor. She approached him........ they went to instant butt sniffing....... Cassie began to dook and the next thing I knew the two were bouncing, dancing, dooking and chattering away. It was like they were best buds all their lives. 45 minutes later I had 2 speed bumps on the floor. It was time to separate them so that one did not aggravate the other trying to instigate more play.
Now I know we still have work ahead of intro to Quizzy and Liberty is another story all together..... baby steps....... but we have over come so much. An angry ferret that was out for blood, is turning into a sweet, playful happy girl...... See Cassie..... life can be good.........

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