Monday, April 14, 2008

Lielah with Adrenal

My worst nightmares have come true for my little half pint girl. She is adrenal.

We had a vet visit they other day. They palpated her and could not feel any noticeable tumors.... they did an ultra sound and saw 1 spot they felt surely was a small tumor. They do not feel Lielah is a good candidate for surgery because of her age (5) and her petite stature. 1 lb 4 oz. I don't think she has a lick of fat on her. She is a lean mean war dancing machine. She has no lethargy.... bright eyed and into everything. So we discussed lupron-depot and meletonin. Because we are catching it so early Dr B feels very confidant that she will have years ahead of her for a happy life as long as nothing else sneaks up. Dr B is checking on pricing. *double sigh*

I have decided to go the way of drugs vs surgery, because Dr Barkley and Dr Lightfoot agree her age and petite structure make her a greater risk, not just from the surgery aspect but from the anaesthesia aspect. I am surgery shy because I lost a 3 pound, 2 year old during adrenal surgery. I just can't take in my bouncing little girl only to bring her home in a box......I am confidant that this is the right choice for my wittle pwincess ferwet

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