A friend today, lost one of her ferrets to adrenal disease.
Oscar was a special guy. He came to Toni a naked and starved skeleton. She fed him, loved him and nurtured him back to a happy, active, life loving character. She got him back in August, I think, of 2007. I watched his progress has he strengthened and grew hair. His personality bloomed and in November I had the pleasure to meet him in person....well in ferret. What a lovely little man he was.
I started to wonder why God brings these creatures into our lives, entwines them into our heart strings only to pluck them away so soon. How cruel, I thought. Our hearts fall so quickly and we give everything to them only to have our hearts broken.
It isn't fair!
It isn't right!
As tears filled my eyes and as I cried for my friend and the emptiness I knew she was feeling...... I realized I was looking at it the wrong way. I was looking at it the "all about me" way. This isn't about us, this is about the little fuzzbutts that are brought into our lives. ............. and its not just ferrets, but all animals............. I think that sometimes God knows he is taking a four legged child from the earth soon. God sees they have been mistreated, abused and neglected. So he drops them into our lives.... into the lives of special people who cherish animals, spoil them and understand them. He does this so that they can know what it is to be loved, wanted and needed before their time comes to an end. God gives them to us, to fulfil their needs, not ours. So we love them and give them happiness in their final days, months or last year, so that they can feel what God truly meant for them to have.

Fly high little one.......Dook and Dance at the bridge until mom and dad come for you.